Friday, October 12, 2012

Danger! Security Hole In Firefox 16.0.0,
Get 16.0.1 Update Now!
(And assorted other stuff)

Hi Kids!

A quick note: Mozilla rapidly discovered a security hole in Firefox (and Thunderbird) version 16.0.0 on all platforms, including Android. Therefore, either download the latest update (currently 16.0.1) or allow Firefox (and Thunderbird) to update themselves immediately the next time you use them. You can read about the situation here:


1) Java Update WHEN?! 

It appears that Oracle are (irresponsibly, IMHO) going to wait until their scheduled Tuesday, October 16th date for updating Java to something safe. So watch for it that day specifically from Oracle. If you don't want or need to deal with the hassle of Oracle's clunky version, hang on until Apple provide their more OS X friendly version via Software Update / The App Store. Or better yet, write off Java as dangerous crapware and never use it again! We wish. Hopefully the current danger will end and we can all go back to simply swearing at Java for being so slow.

2) This is the weekend I am going to finish off my 2012 malware review. I'll start the list again from scratch for the sake of simplicity. We also have another couple new minor malware to add to the list. Also, I'm going to consign some further oldie stuff to the 'inert' bin, as you'll see. Thank you for waiting!

3) If you are not doing so already, go visit and have some fun. MacHeist 4 is the BIGGEST and most fun Heist EVER. The free mission prizes are trés kewl. As of today we are starting on 'nanoMission 4'. So catch up and get some discount coins for The Big Heist coming up! MacHeist is seriously one of the most unique, fun and charitable events of the Mac platform. The missions have been astoundingly well designed with everything having a jaunty, puzzling and mysterious steampunk theme. There is nothing equivalent or as kewl on those other computer platforms! And it's all free! ...That is, until we get to the Big Final Heist. You shall crave to ogle the digital devices concealed within the confines of the culminating, capacious cyclopean vault...!

Share and Enjoy,


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