Saturday, August 1, 2009

Adobe Releases Security Patched Reader and Acrobat v9.1.3

As promised, on Friday, July 31, Adobe released security patched versions of Acrobat and Adobe Reader. The links in the previous article about the subject should get you started, but I've provided them again below.

NOTE: verify that you are downloading and installing versions 9.1.3 of Reader and Acrobat and not an earlier version. The download page for the Acrobat 9.1.3 update is clear regarding versions. However, the Acrobat Reader page is NOT. Therefore, after you download and install "the latest version" of Reader, go under the Help menu to "Check for Updates...". Otherwise you may have only installed an earlier version of Reader without the new security patches.

Those patch download links again:

1) Adobe Flash Player v10.0.32.18. There is a special patch for version 9 users to v9.0.246.0.

2) Adobe Air v1.5.2.

3) Adobe Reader v9.1.3.

4) Acrobat v9.1.3.

Glad to be of service!


  1. Software Update vunerable to airborne viruses, and trojan horses installed in Apple keyboard firmware and built-in root kits for most PCs.

  2. Thanks Walker! Collaborating is what I like best. So I appreciate sharing stuff. When I grab some time I'm going to research the airborne and keyboard firmware problems. I had heard about the BIOS rootkit problem, but am going to leave that to the folks doing PC security. (Apple uses Intel's more modern EFI firmware).

    If folks have insights on any Mac security issues I've missed or botched, please let me know directly or comment. (Non-flammable comments preferred).
